MADISON – Senator Dale Kooyenga (R-Brookfield) released the following statement regarding Senator Alberta Darling’s decision to retire after 32 years of service to the people of Wisconsin:
“I want to congratulate Senator Darling on a meaningful and distinguished career in public service. She has been a steadfast advocate for Wisconsin children, led on improving education and served with distinction as Co-Chair of the Joint Finance Committee, where she was instrumental in turning around our state’s finances. Her service has had a significant positive impact for the people of Wisconsin.
As a new member of the Joint Finance Committee in 2013, I proposed aggressive tax reform that appeared to be losing momentum. I’ll never forget Alberta taking me out to dinner so she could hear more. She listened and simply looked at me and said, ‘We need to do this.’ At that moment I knew Wisconsin residents were going to receive meaningful tax relief. Alberta had my back, and she’s been a consistent friend and ally.
It’s an honor to have worked with Alberta on so many meaningful education and budget initiatives, and the dignified way she conducts herself is an inspiration to all of us in public service. I wish her all the best in her well-earned retirement.”