Madison, WI – State Senator Brad Pfaff (D – Onalaska) released the following statement following Governor Evers’ State of the State address:
“I was pleased that tonight Governor Evers recognized the importance of returning our surplus to the hard-working people of our state. Tax relief of $150 per person, and $600 for a family of four is real money and will enable families in Wisconsin make ends meet.
Wisconsin is back to work. This session, I was proud to work with Governor Evers to cut taxes by $2 billion for middle-class families. We worked together to provide record funding for reliable, affordable, high-speed internet across Wisconsin. I voted to protect federal funding so investments could be made to support small businesses, farmers and Main Streets in communities throughout western Wisconsin.
Now with a record budget surplus, we have another opportunity to provide tax relief to hard-working families, and bolster our workforce by helping families with the cost of childcare and caregiving. The people of Wisconsin created this record budget surplus and we should reward them by helping to defray rising costs and send them a rebate.
Governor Evers laid out his success in getting Wisconsin back to work. I will keep working to build a strong and resilient economy that works for everyone.”