MADISON, WI — Wisconsin State Senator Eric Wimberger (R-Green Bay) issued the following statement after being appointed to serve on the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance for the 2023-24 Legislative Session.
“I am honored to have been appointed to the Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee for the upcoming session. This is a privilege that I do not take lightly.”
“We have an opportunity to craft for Wisconsin a fiscally conservative and responsible budget that both promotes economic growth in the present and gives us a stable financial footing to prepare for an uncertain future. I look forward to a budget that delivers historic changes that benefit all Wisconsinites.”
“I’d like to thank Majority Leader LeMahieu for this appointment and for the trust placed in me. I look forward to working with JFC Co-Chair Howard Marklein and my other senate colleagues in preparing our state budget.”
Senator Wimberger will also serve as the co-chair of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, the Vice-chair of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Energy, and a member of the Senate Committee on Judiciary & Public Safety for the 2023-2024 Legislative Session.