Contact:, 608-440-4352
Madison, WI — Today, Judge Chris Taylor announced that she will run for an open seat on the Court of Appeals, District IV, following Judge Michael R. Fitzpatrick’s announcement that he will retire from the bench after serving his current term. Judge Taylor has been the presiding judge in Branch 12 of the Dane County Circuit Court since her appointment by Governor Tony Evers in 2020 and her election in 2021.
“I congratulate Judge Fitzpatrick on his retirement from the bench and thank him for his many years of service as a judge. People in District IV and across the state deserve a justice system that works for all. The Court of Appeals plays a vital role in our judicial system, reviewing trial court proceedings and decisions to ensure the proper and fair application of the law and the protection of constitutional freedoms. My experiences as an attorney, a state legislator and a trial court judge have prepared me to serve the public in this important judicial position. I look forward to earning the support and votes of the people throughout District IV and continuing to work every day to ensure that the judiciary remains an independent, impartial, and fair branch of government,” stated Taylor.
Judge Taylor received her undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin Law School in 1995, she practiced law at several small law firms, and then led the legal and policy team for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. In 2011, she was elected in a 6-way primary to the State Legislature. For nine years in the Assembly, Taylor championed policies to improve people’s lives and protect our freedoms to vote, access healthcare, and live in safe communities.
“I have dedicated my professional career to working for fairness, equity and justice,” stated Taylor. “And I bring this commitment to the judiciary every day. People expect and deserve that our courts—at all levels—be independent forums where fairness, facts and reason prevail.”
The Spring Primary Election is February 21, 2023 and the Spring General Election is April 4, 2023.
Taylor has been endorsed by voters, judges, law enforcement, local leaders and elected officials from across District IV and Wisconsin. You can see the full list by visiting You can also follow the campaign on Facebook @chrisforjustice and Twitter @ChrisTaylorWI.