Madison – Transportation Development Association Executive Director Debby Jackson released the  following statement on the proposed federal gas tax holiday: 

“Legislation introduced in Congress to suspend the federal gas tax is short-sighted and unlikely to provide  relief for Wisconsin families. However, it will undercut the largest revenue source for public transit and  federal highway improvements and put more money on the nation’s credit card. 

“To save Wisconsin residents and businesses time and money, we should focus on putting the  Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act dollars to work addressing the state’s well-documented backlog of  transportation system repairs and maintenance.” 

About TDA 

From the buses in Racine to the Port of Green Bay to the rail lines in Superior to the Waukesha County  Airport to the roads we use every day, Wisconsin’s transportation network is the key to connecting goods  to market and people to jobs. 

Founded in 1971, the Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin promotes the vitality and  safety of the state’s transportation system, including public transit systems, public-use airports, railroads,  commercial ports, and roads. TDA’s members comprise business, labor, units of government, regional  planning organizations, as well as individuals. Contact us at: and Twitter handle  @TDAWisconsin.

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