Portage, WI – The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin, celebrates its 4th Annual Celebration of Freedom, honoring all who served and continue to serve, at the Veterans Memorial Field (Columbia County Fairgrounds) in Portage, September 9 & 10, 2022. This year’s event will feature a mobile World War II Memorial; a 2/3 replica of the WWII memorial in Washington, D.C. in honor of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. The memorial consists of 56 pillars, two arches on opposite sides of the display and a Freedom Wall bearing 4,048 gold stars, each representing 100 Americans who died in the war.

The events begin on September 9th with the opening ceremonies featuring The Portage Veterans Honor Guard at 7:30 AM Friday morning. The memorial will be on display Friday and Saturday. Other Celebration of Freedom activities include a blood drive, beer garden, children’s activities, softball tournament, and live music by Best Practice, Road Trip, Drew Henderson and Cody Earl! For a full schedule of events go to https://wilegion.org/celebration-of-freedom/.

The American Legion was established in 1919 by wartime veterans determined to strengthen the nation through programs and services for men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, veterans, children and patriotic values. The organization has fulfilled its mission over the last century through such programs and accomplishments as American Legion Boys State and Nation, American Legion Baseball, the GI Bill, benefits for veterans exposed to toxic contaminants, youth oratorical contests, Scholarship programs and more.

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