WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), alongside House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul and 35 House Republicans, today introduced the Taiwan Policy Act. This legislation that would strengthen Taiwan’s defense and deter CCP Aggression by:
- Establishing a comprehensive set of tools to increase Taiwan’s military capabilities to deter and defeat a CCP attack,
- Modernizing U.S. policy towards Taiwan,
- Increasing the United States’ strategic clarity towards a CCP invasion,
- Strengthening U.S.-Taiwan bilateral relations, and
- Supporting Taiwan internationally.
Similar legislation was recently approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
“The failure of deterrence in Ukraine shows that we cannot wait until the shooting has started to provide critical weapons to Taiwan,” said Rep. Gallagher. “The Taiwan Policy Act takes the long-overdue step of providing direct security assistance to Taiwan and ensures the U.S. acts with a sense of urgency to prepare Taiwan for a protracted siege before it is too late.”
Click here to view a summary of the Taiwan Policy Act.