(MILWAUKEE, WI) – Amidst relentless election lies and attacks on the freedom to vote by Republicans in Wisconsin, members of Voces de la Frontera Action (VDLF Action) and allies are planning to hold a “Freedom to Vote Early” celebration this Saturday, March 26. The day’s festivities will begin at 10:00 a.m. with VDLF Action members going to vote early together at the Zablocki Library, an early voting site on Milwaukee’s predominantly Latinx south side. They will then be joined by allies from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and Souls to the Polls to hold a “Freedom to Vote Early” Celebration and Press Conference at 11:00 a.m. CT at VDLF Action’s new office on Historic Mitchell St.

What: “Freedom to Vote Early” Celebration and Press Conference

When & Where:  Saturday, March 26

  • 10:00 a.m. CT: Latinx voters and allies will vote early together at the Zablocki Library, 3501 West Oklahoma Avenue, Milwaukee
  • 11:00 a.m. CT: Celebration and Press Conference at VDLF Action office, 733 W. Historic Mitchell St, Milwaukee
  • Facebook Livestream here

Interview Opportunities:

  • Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera Action
  • Kalena Roberts, SEIU
  • Pastor Greg Lewis, Souls to the Polls
  • Deisy Espana, Latinx voter who’s organizing others in her community to vote
  • New Latinx voters


  • 10:00 a.m. at Zablocki Library:
    • Latinx voters vote early at southside early voting location
  • 11:o0 a.m. press conference and celebration at New VDLF Action office:
    • “Vote Early” signs
    • Food, music and other festivities

Why: This spring, Milwaukee voters will have a rare opportunity to elect their next Mayor. Voces de la Frontera Action has proudly endorsed acting Mayor Cavalier JohnsonClick here for downloadable photos of VDLF Action members with Mayor Johnson. VDLF Action has also endorsed Milwaukee County Supervisor candidates Juan Miguel Martinez (District 12) and Eric Rorholm (District 3). See full list of VDLF Action endorsed candidates statewide at vdlfa.org/candidates.

Recent lies and attacks perpetuated by conservative leaders revolving around the freedom to vote make it more important than ever that Latinx and multiracial youth voters in Milwaukee and across the state exercise their right to vote. Early voting began statewide this past Tuesday, March 22 and goes until Saturday, April 2. Milwaukee voters can vote early at any of these early voting locations or on Election Day, Tuesday, April 5, at their polling location.