(WEST BEND, WI) – County Executive Josh Schoemann recently welcomed Fran McLaughlin to serve as the Communications Director for the Washington County Executive’s Office. McLaughlin began in the role in mid-June.

“Fran has extensive experience in communications and familiarity with the operations of county government. She’s a welcome addition to our staff to help us keep the public informed on county matters,” said Schoemann.

McLaughlin’s professional background includes fifteen years with Milwaukee County in communications roles at the Milwaukee County Executive’s Office during Scott Walker’s tenure there and as the Public Information Officer for the Sheriff’s Office with Sheriff David Clarke. Most recently she was the Associate Director for NAIOP Wisconsin, a commercial real estate development association.

Media outlets should direct all inquiries to McLaughlin for information related to county departments that are overseen by the County Executive’s Office. Please call 262-343-6846 or email Fran.McLaughlin@washcowisco.gov.