Hi, Representative Greta Neubauer here with this week’s Democratic radio address.
This month at the capitol, the 2023 Holiday tree was officially lit! Decorated with ornaments from school children across Wisconsin, this year’s tree displays the importance of our state’s natural resources.
This year’s holiday tree theme is “Wisconsin Waters” – ornaments from all over the state show how water affects every single person across Wisconsin. Protecting our natural resources like our waterways is foundational to our health, our livelihoods, and the future of our state. Everyone, in every community, deserves access to clean water.
It’s our job to do everything we can to protect our water, air, and land so that future generations of Wisconsinites have great opportunities to live in this beautiful state.
As the legislature gets ready to begin the next session, it’s imperative that we as legislators focus on prioritizing solutions that benefit all Wisconsinites, today and tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy your holidays and we look forward to working with you for a better Wisconsin in the year ahead.