Madison, Wis. –  The Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) recently announced the elimination of start-up and monthly fees associated with integrating the Enhanced Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (ePDMP) into electronic health record systems, expanding access to the ePDMP while simultaneously combating prescription opioid misuse.

Since the announcement on June 5, 2022, six health systems in Wisconsin have registered and are benefiting from the new service: Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, M Health Fairview, Marshfield Clinic Health Systems, Mercy Health, CleanSlate Centers and Wisconsin Statewide Health Information Network.

“Our goal with this initiative is to ensure the ePDMP is as easily accessible as possible for all healthcare professionals in Wisconsin,” said DSPS Secretary-Designee Dan Hereth. “We’re thrilled to have onboarded six health systems since our announcement, and we hope to encourage more health systems and organizations to integrate as this initiative gains more awareness.”

The ePDMP is a tool to help combat prescription drug misuse in Wisconsin. It provides information regarding potentially addictive drugs dispensed within the state, aiding healthcare professionals in prescribing and dispensing decisions. The ePDMP fosters collaboration between pharmacies, healthcare professionals, law enforcement agencies, and public health officials to reduce the misuse and diversion of monitored prescription drugs.

By removing costs associated with electronic health record integration, the Department of Safety and Professional Services hopes to encourage all Wisconsin health systems and other healthcare organizations to expand their use of the ePDMP.

The ePDMP integration service was developed in partnership with NIC Wisconsin, the state’s trusted digital government services provider since 2013. 

“The removal of barriers to ePDMP integration for Wisconsin health systems will undoubtedly get this critical information to more healthcare providers and continue to help with the state’s opioid response,” said NIC Wisconsin General Manager Chad Zadrazil. “NIC Wisconsin is honored to play a role in aiding the Department of Safety and Professional Services in making these significant impacts.” 

To learn more about the service or to request a free electronic health record integration, visit

About DSPS: The Department of Safety and Professional Services issues more than 240 unique licenses, administers dozens of boards and councils that regulate professions, enforces state building codes, runs the state fire prevention program, and maintains the award-winning Wisconsin Enhanced Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, which is a key tool in the multi-faceted public health campaign to stem excessive opioid prescribing. A fee-based agency, the Department of Safety and Professional Services is self-sustaining and receives no general fund tax dollars for its day-to-day operations. With five offices and 250 employees throughout Wisconsin, DSPS collaborates with constituents and stakeholders across a wide range of industries to promote safety and advance the economy.