Tuesday, November 8, is Election Day in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition urges voters with disabilities to cast a ballot and participate in our democracy.
The Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) Voter Hotline is available to answer your voting questions. Contact the Hotline at 844-DIS-VOTE/ 844-347-8683 or info@disabilityvote.org. Staff from DRW and Centers for Independent Living will conduct polling place accessibility reviews on Election Day on behalf of the Wisconsin Election Commission.
Absentee Voting
Voter can still return absentee ballots to their clerks’ office and to polling places or central count. Check with your clerk about where your ballot may be returned. Ballots must arrive by 8 PM on Election Day for them to count. Unstaffed drop boxes are no longer allowed in Wisconsin. If you need help returning your ballot because you have a disability, your rights are protected by the Voting Rights Act. You must be permitted to receive assistance from a person of your choice, other than your employer or agent of that employer or officer or agent of your union. DRW has provided guidance on ballot return assistance for the November 8th election.
Voting on Election Day
If you are voting on Election Day, make sure you are prepared:
• Check your polling place on MyVote Wisconsin as it may have changed.
• If you need a ride, check our Rides to the Polls. There may be an option in your area.
• Check your registration status at MyVote Wisconsin. If you not registered or your address has changed, you may register at your polling place. Bring a Proof of Residence document with your name and current address.
• Bring your photo ID. The most common forms are a drivers license or State ID for voting. Don’t have an ID? You can vote a provisional ballot, then get an ID. Here’s the process: http://elections.wi.gov/clerks/provisional-ballots. Call 608-266-1069 for information.