MILWAUKEE – Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce – through its affiliate, WMC Issues Mobilization Council – is out with a new television ad exposing Gov. Tony Evers for his lack of leadership during the pandemic.
“When the pandemic hit, Tony Evers shut us down – forcing hundreds of thousands to become unemployed,” the narrator says in the ad. “But, when we needed him most, Tony Evers didn’t do his job.”
The 30-second spot focuses on the Evers Administration’s failure to help suddenly unemployed Wisconsinites get critically necessary unemployment assistance after the governor mandated much of the economy to close.
“Ninety-nine percent of calls to his unemployment agency were unanswered. Families were left struggling to pay bills and feed loved ones,” the ad continues. “A year later, thousands of requests for help and still no response.”
The ad began airing on broadcast television this week, and it is part of a significant investment by WMC Issues Mobilization Council to educate Wisconsinites on issues important to our state’s economic competitiveness.
Gov. Evers’ Failed Record:
- Gov. Evers’ mandated shutdown forced over 600,000 Wisconsinites onto unemployment with no plan for how to manage the sudden influx in unemployment claims
- Gov. Evers’ Department of Workforce Development (DWD) answered fewer than one percent of calls from Wisconsin residents who lost their jobs during the pandemic
- News reports detailed many Wisconsinites who said they had to choose between necessities like food or medicine while waiting for the Evers Administration to tell them whether they would receive benefits
- A year later, the Evers Administration still had not informed thousands of people if they would receive benefits