MADISON, Wis. — Over the past year, President Biden and Governor Evers have led a historic economic recovery for our state. In 2021 alone, the U.S. added 6.4 million jobs – hitting a record for highest job growth in a single year, and Wisconsin had its lowest unemployment rate in state history at 2.8%. As our country and state continue to bounce back from this pandemic, local leaders are crediting Democrats with prioritizing small businesses, investing millions in our infrastructure, and putting money in the pockets of working families.
In an opinion piece titled, “Biden’s Economic Boom is Strong for Wisconsin,” State Senator Jeff Smith details how President Biden and Governor Evers are strengthening our economy.
Read the full article here, or see key excerpts below:
The Green Bay Progressive: “Biden’s Economic Boom is Strong for Wisconsin”
When you consider where we were a year ago following the shocking attack on our nation’s capital [sic], who would have thought President Biden would have been able to move us forward at all? It seemed unthinkable at the time that he would pass the largest American investment package or the largest infrastructure bill in history—but he did.
At the beginning of the pandemic the national unemployment rate was at 15% but by getting over 6 million Americans back to work, it’s now below 4%. In Wisconsin, it’s even better. Thanks to Governor Evers’ leadership, we’re at a record-low 2.8% unemployment rate.
Although there are still many challenges we must still address, we’ve made significant steps thus far to boost our economy.
Governor Evers has faced obstructionist politics in Wisconsin, but he has been able to show real progress with genuine leadership, patience and persistence from his office. While Republicans fiddle with unreasonable and politically-motivated bills, Governor Evers continues to conduct a full orchestra of policy to keep Wisconsin moving. It’s not a fluke that we have record low unemployment and historic budget surplus projections.