MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Republican Party’s state convention was a dumpster fire as expected and then Donald Trump lit a match with his endorsement of Tim Michels last night. With no endorsement made in the race for governor other than Trumps, we can expect the GOP field to continue leapfrogging over each other to extreme positions and divide the party even further.

To celebrate the chaos and the race’s two extreme Tims, below is another round of:



“Pro-life without exception. Life begins at conception […] It’s not the baby’s fault on how they were conceived. We need to stop killing babies.”

Media Conspiracies

“I’m tired of Republicans fighting in public, letting the media fuel the fight, and helping the Democrats take advantage of us.”

Being a Business “Leader”

“My 45 years in the private sector was the training ground for where I am today in my life. Essentially seven organizations that were Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies, which had international and offshore requirements for me to manage large staffs of people, multi million dollar budgets, financial services had to have everything done yesterday and perfect.”

“Outsider” Status

“I am not inside the bubble, the Insiders did not recruit me, and they are not bankrolling my campaign, and I’m not beholden to the PACs, the lobbyists, or the special interest.””

Is it Tim Michels or Tim Ramthun? Scroll down to see the answers for each category.

Anti-Abortion: While this quote was Tim Ramthun, Tim Michels also has extreme anti-abortion views, wanting to ban abortion in cases of rape and incest and has said forcing rape victims to carry a pregnancy is “not unreasonable.”

Media conspiracies: This quote is Tim Michels, who since entering the race just a few weeks ago has rarely ventured out of the conservative media bubble. While running for Senate in 2004, Michels said a Chicago Tribune/WGN poll was “communistic” because he didn’t like that it showed his opponent beating him. Michels did in fact go on to lose that race.

Being a Business “Leader”: Huge plot twist — Tim Ramthun, trying to promote his own business bonafides.

“Outsider” Status: Tim Michels, the ultimate insider, trying to convince voters that he’s not a member of the establishment. Not only is he deeply entrenched in establishment politics, he himself was on the board of the state’s largest business lobbying group. You’re not fooling anyone Tim.

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