MADISON, Wis. — Today, the GOP-led state legislature devoted time to Republican-authored bills and proposals that would make it harder for Wisconsinites to access affordable healthcare, would revoke essential benefits from Wisconsinites who have lost their jobs, and would support a tax scheme that delivers massive benefits to the highest incomes at the expense of the rest of us.

“Rather than trying to take resources away from Wisconsinites, legislative Republicans could instead be focused on making sure people across Wisconsin have the resources they need to support their families,” said Chris Walloch, executive director of A Better Wisconsin Together. “That includes things like family supporting jobs, paid leave, affordable healthcare, and a tax plan that works for working families.”

Below are items in Governor Tony Evers’ new biennial budget proposal which would do just that:

  • A tax plan that would deliver property tax savings and give middle class Wisconsin families a hard-earned 10% tax cut, while not shortchanging investments in other critical priorities like public education;
  • An expansion of paid family and medical leave and affordable childcare, so that no family has to choose between having a job, having time to rest when we’re sick, and having care for our children;
  • Expanding BadgerCare to cover more people in need of healthcare;
  • Increasing shared revenue to boost community resources across local municipalities.

It’s clear that instead of working with Gov. Evers on his proposals to deliver tax savings for the middle class and ensure Wisconsin families are supported, GOP leaders are fighting to preserve unfair tax loopholes for the wealthiest few, and take resources away from those who need them most.

“From affordable healthcare to tax savings, Wisconsinites want leaders who deliver on the issues that matter most to us, but Republican legislators are instead costing Wisconsin families,” Walloch said. “Instead of focusing on what unites us, they have tried to divide us, fueling fears based on our tax bracket, where we live, and what we look like. It’s about time that Wisconsinites reject this division and demand our leaders make the wealthiest pay what they owe, while also helping average families get ahead for once.”

Together, we can make sure that all of us in Wisconsin –  from up north in Minocqua to southeast in Milwaukee – are cared for. Call your legislator today at 1-800-362-9472 and demand they get their priorities straight by focusing on a future where all of us can see a doctor when we’re sick, have support if we fall on hard times, and reap the benefits of hard earned tax cuts.