MADISON, Wis. — According to a recent news report, just hours after a public forum in which Dan Kelly dodged questions about his values and declined to give his true thoughts on Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion ban, Kelly shared the stage with Matthew Trewhella – a rightwing extremist who has advocated for the execution of abortion providers.
Notably, Trewhella has been investigated by the FBI for violence against abortion providers, was named in the New York Times as one of the “most militant” anti-abortion leaders in the nation, and advocated for armed resistance to laws with which he disagrees.
In 1993, Trewhella signed his name on a statement that deemed the murder of abortion providers “justifiable homicide,” and a year prior, members of a group run by Trewhella were arrested for camping outside women’s health clinics and harassing patients who come and go.
The following are comments from Lucy Ripp, communications manager at A Better Wisconsin Together:
“Dan Kelly continues to show us his extremism with his words and his actions.
“Just hours after dodging debate questions about his extreme position on abortion, Dan Kelly chose to share a stage with a rightwing radical who advocated for the murder of abortion care providers and forming armed militias to oppose abortion, taxes, and gun laws.
“This isn’t a case of bad judgment from Dan Kelly, it’s dangerous extremism.”
Call Dan Kelly today at (608) 291-7504 and let him know that what Trewhella espouses has no place anywhere near our courts.