MADISON – Today, the Assembly Committee on Children and Families held a public hearing on several bills relating to child care in Wisconsin. The Committee heard testimony on Assembly Bills 388, 389, 390, 391, and 392.

“As Federal funding dries up for the successful Child Care Counts program, child care providers across the state will be facing the choice of raising rates or closing their facilities. We need a comprehensive solution, including continuing Child Care Counts in order to maintain and improve the child care infrastructure in our state.”

“Today we heard testimony on numerous bills, which were fast-tracked before the Committee without time for proper consideration by experts and giving stakeholders minimal time to weigh in on the merits of these bills.”

“Instead of providing any funding and resources for our hardworking childcare providers, the proposed ‘solutions’ simply rely on cutting regulations in an effort to address this serious crisis. At the hearing we heard testimony from numerous stakeholders and experts in the field of early childhood education about the potential impact of these bills, as well as significant concerns that these changes will jeopardize the health
and safety of our children, while increasing the burnout of the dedicated, but underpaid child care workers in Wisconsin.”

“Funding child care is an investment, which has proven benefits and lifelong impacts on the children and their communities. We see improved education performance, reduced correctional expenses, greater workforce participation, and many others, providing a $16-17 savings for every dollar invested in early child care.”

“Deregulation won’t solve this issue, we remain committed to working with the Governor, the Department of Children and Families, child care providers, and anyone on the other side of the aisle to work on a comprehensive solution to invest in child care and reform our system.”

Rep. Jill Billings 608-237-9195
Rep. Robyn Vining 608-237-9114
Rep. Lee Snodgrass 608-237-9157
Rep. Darrin Madison 608-237-9110

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