Madison, Wis. – Governor Tony Evers and DOA Secretary Blumenfeld today announced a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP) grants. Each year, close to $1.5 million in funds is awarded to projects serving Wisconsin’s coastal communities for addressing coastal resiliency and other priorities. The most recent grantees were announced in June 2023, and applications are now open for the 2024-2025 award season. The grants are administered by the Department of Administration Wisconsin Coastal Management Program (WCMP), in collaboration the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Since 1978, WCMP has balanced natural resource protection and sustainable economic development along Wisconsin’s Great Lakes coasts.

“Supporting our coastal communities means supporting future resilience and sustainability efforts, as well as expanding public access, education, and the amazing resources that our Great Lakes provide for residents, visitors, and our future generations,” said Governor Tony Evers. “Each year, the Coastal Management grants help create solutions for the future so our coastal communities can continue to grow and thrive.”

Proposals should address needs and priorities for public access, historic preservation, Great Lakes education, community development, wetland protection, habitat restoration, or pollution control. Funded projects must start no earlier than July 1, 2024, completed by June 30, 2025, and must be located in one or more Wisconsin counties adjacent to Lake Superior, Lake Michigan or Green Bay.

Applicants are encouraged to reach out to program staff at to discuss project ideas, eligibility, the application process, or related concerns. A virtual workshop is scheduled for September 19, 2023, and applications are due on Friday, November 3, 2023.  

Additional details and application materials are available on the WCMP Grants Program page at An interactive story map with details about some past coastal grants is also available.

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