The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) reminds residents who are BadgerCare Plus or Wisconsin Medicaid members that renewals are underway, and there is a “just right” time to renew to avoid delays or gaps in coverage. For example, on May 15, DHS sent renewal packets to approximately 53,000 Wisconsin households scheduled to renew in June. DHS encourages these members to submit their renewals by June 16 to avoid any gaps in coverage. Packets are in the mail to members with a July renewal date and they should send in updated information by July 18 to avoid coverage gaps. The new DHS renewal status webpage shows the “just right” renewal period for each month. Members are encouraged to renew online at or by mail.

“If a member is still eligible, we want them to keep their state coverage. If they’re not, we want to help connect them to resources to help them find other options. Either way, the process starts with submitting their renewal,” said State Medicaid Director Jamie Kuhn. “It’s been more than three years since any of our members have done one and for many, it’s the first time. That’s why we’re working hard to get the word out and why we’re sharing information with more than 100 partner organizations from all over the state to help raise awareness and provide assistance.”

View the entire news release.

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