MADISON — State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly released the following statement on legislation, LRB-2748/LRB-3540, introduced earlier today in regard to overhauling literacy instruction in Wisconsin’s K-12 public schools.

“I do not support this bill as it currently stands. Staff at the DPI received the final copy of this bill minutes ago after the press conference had concluded, despite the fact we have been working with key legislators on it for over four months. We are supportive of a literacy bill, but this version of the bill includes a retention policy requirement, and that is a non-starter for us because, as drafted, it is harmful to our learners, families, and communities. My staff will be able to respond with further information as soon as we have had time to thoroughly read the current bill, which differs considerably from versions we had previously seen.”

For an online version of this statement, visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s news release webpage.

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