Milwaukee- Justice Daniel Kelly announced today that a majority of Wisconsin sheriffs are supporting his campaign for Supreme Court.

Wisconsin sheriffs are saying it’s time to prioritize justice again-not politics. It’s time to elect Justice Daniel Kelly to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. These sheriffs know Justice Kelly stands with them by standing up for the rule of law as opposed to the soft-on-crime Rule of Janet Protasiewicz. Justice Kelly understands that law enforcement does its job best when the rules under which officers operate are clear, stable, and easy to apply in highly charged circumstances.

“Sheriffs know what it means to uphold the Rule of Law – they do it every day,” Justice Kelly said. “They know I will always protect the Constitution. They also know my opponent is a soft- on-crime activist who has spent her career turning dangerous people back out onto our streets.”

Waukesha County Sheriff Eric Severson, who appears in a recent campaign ad says, “The preservation of our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness depends on electing tough- on-crime judges and justices who will enforce the law as it is written, rather than legislate from the bench. That’s exactly who Justice Daniel Kelly is and that’s why he’s law enforcement’s choice in this race.”

Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis said, “Justice Kelly has a solid record of applying the law to cases before him and standing by the constitution when it comes to our rights, and freedoms. This is not the time to settle for less.”

Grant County Sheriff Nate Dreckman: “Justice Kelly believes personal politics should have no place in the deliberations of the court. The only thing that matters is what the law outlines as written and how it applies to the case at hand without trying to second guess lawmakers.”

Law enforcement officers risk their lives to protect families and the communities in which they live. They want to be sure the law will not change at the whim of someone like Janet Protasiewicz, an activist who promises to use her personal politics to decide cases and who has a soft-on-crime record of releasing dangerous people back into Wisconsin communities with little to no prison time.

Wisconsin Sheriffs who are endorsing Justice Kelly for Supreme Court

Adams County Sheriff Brent Adams

Brown County Sheriff Todd Delain

Calumet County Sheriff Brett Bowe

Chippewa County Sheriff Travis Hakes

Clark County Sheriff Scott Haines

Columbia County Sheriff Roger Brandner

Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt

Dunn County Sheriff Kevin Bygd

Florence County Sheriff Dan Miller

Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt

Grant County Sheriff Nate Dreckman

Green Lake County Sheriff Mark Podoll

Kenosha County Sheriff David Zoemer

Kewaunee County Sheriff Matthew Joski

Langlade County Sheriff Mark Westen

Manitowoc County Sheriff Daniel Hartwig

Marathon County Sheriff Chad Billeb

Marinette County Sheriff Randy Miller

Marquette County Sheriff Joe Konrath

Monroe County Sheriff Wes Revels

Oconto County Sheriff Todd Skarban

Oneida County Sheriff Grady Hartman

Ozaukee County Sheriff Christy Knowles

Pierce County Sheriff Chad Koranda

Polk County Sheriff Brent Waak

Price County Sheriff Brian Schmidt

Racine County Sheriff Chris Schmaling

Sauk County Sheriff Chip Meister

Sawyer County Sheriff Doug Mrotek

Taylor County Sheriff Larry Woebbeking

Vilas County Sheriff Joe Fath

Walworth County Sheriff Dave Gerber

Washington County Sheriff Marty Schulteis

Waukesha County Sheriff Eric Severson

Waupaca County Sheriff Tim Wilz

Winnebago County Sheriff John Matz

Wood County Sheriff Shawn Becker

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