Milwaukee-Supreme Court candidate Justice Daniel Kelly picked up two major endorsements this week.
One is from the Wisconsin Fraternal Order of Police. Law enforcement is supporting Justice Kelly because they know he stands with them by standing up for the rule of law as opposed to the soft-on-crime Rule of Janet Protasiewicz.
“I am deeply grateful to have the support of those on the front line of protecting and preserving our right to ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,’” said Justice Kelly. “It is an honor to know the men and women of the Fraternal Order of Police have concluded that I have helped maintain the constitutional order in a manner that assures this first constitutional command can be carried out effectively and predictably.”
The other major endorsement comes from the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation’s Volunteers for Agriculture PAC.
“Wisconsin is America’s Dairyland for a reason thanks to the hardworking farmers and all who are associated with one of the state’s major economic drivers,” said Justice Kelly. “I am both honored and proud to know Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation members support our efforts to keep the rule of law and the Constitution front and center in the business of the State Supreme Court.”
The members of these two great organizations know how important it is that an activist judge such as Janet “Politician” Protasiewicz doesn’t get a chance to change law or manipulate the Constitution from the Supreme Court bench. If the Rule of Janet is allowed on the court, the Constitution will fall and the protection of our inherent rights and freedoms goes with it.