Late Friday, the Wisconsin Supreme Court took jurisdiction of the Clarke v. Wisconsin Elections Commission (Fair Maps) case. Initial briefs in response to questions posed by the Court are due Monday, October 16th at noon, response briefs are due October 30th at noon, and oral arguments are scheduled for November 21 at 9:45 AM. In response to this Dan Lenz, Staff Counsel at Law Forward issued the following statement: 

“Friday’s order represents a win for all of our communities whose voices have been silenced for the last 12 years, for our state, country, and for the future of Wisconsin. For democracy to work for us all it must include us all, and we are very proud to be a part of this important effort to ensure our elected representatives represent us instead of trying to rule over us. We are only here because of the hard work of so many Wisconsinites including our plaintiffs, co-counsel, and team here at Law Forward. What has happened here in Wisconsin is anti-democratic and against our values of fair representation in our government. We look forward to presenting our incredibly strong case in court. We must never be ruled over by the few who aren’t accountable to the people of Wisconsin.”

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