Grafton – Small businessman and current member of the Ozaukee County Board and Grafton Town Board Paul Melotik issued the following statement after his Special Election victory for the 24th Assembly District:

“I want to first thank my wife and children for their unwavering support throughout this campaign. While it was certainly a sprint, they stood by my side during the long days of campaigning.  To our supporters and volunteers, thank you for taking time out of your busy summer schedules to attend parades, knock on doors, and participate in community events.  Because of their support, our campaign was able to make 1,000s of voter contacts in a short amount of time.

In addition to these amazing grassroots volunteers, the Republican Party of Wisconsin infrastructure was engaged from the beginning.  Unlike other races in the current era of politics, outside special interests were not involved.  Instead, the Republican Parties of Washington, Waukesha and Ozaukee Counties worked hand-in-hand and provided significant support.  The state party and the Republican Assembly Campaign Committee provided much needed voter contact support as well.  I am grateful for the guidance provided by Speaker Vos, Majority Leader August, now State Senator Dan Knodl, and RACC’s Trevor Ford.  This was truly a team effort.

I am proud of the positive campaign we ran.  Despite being outspent and facing an opponent that was recently on the ballot, we carried our message focused on common sense reforms to the entire district.  We didn’t get distracted by the false smears.  We talked about the issues I’m passionate about – providing tax relief to as many filers as possible, expanding education opportunities for all, supporting law enforcement, encouraging a culture that cherishes life, and conserving our state’s natural resources.  I am looking forward to immediately joining my Assembly colleagues and focusing on these issues.

While we are extremely proud of the race we ran, there are indeed some important lessons to learn.  We need to communicate the importance of our common sense approach to government all year long.  The future of our state is simply too important to take time off between elections.  In addition, voting is a precious right and responsibility.  The start of early voting should be communicated just as emphatically as election day itself.  We need to lock in votes.  Finally, with the changing demographics in the suburbs, we must redouble our efforts to communicate clearly why smaller government and more opportunity is better than any of the competing philosophies.  I look forward to working with my Assembly colleagues to maintain Wisconsin’s place as the best state to raise a family and grow a business.  Thank you!”

Paul and his wife Wendy are the proud parents of four children.  His family is active at St. Joseph’s Catholic Parish in Grafton.  Paul has successfully co-owned and operated ten different businesses during the course of his career and has served on numerous business association boards.