MILWAUKEE – Last night the Milwaukee County Youth Commission held its first meeting since being reestablished in 2022. The commission is comprised of high school students from each of the 18 supervisory districts as well as two co-chairs selected by the County Board Chairwoman and County Executive.

“After being unanimously confirmed as the adult advisor to the commission representing the County Board, I would like to extend a warm welcome to these outstanding young people who have stepped up to serve their community,” said County Supervisor Kathleen Vincent. “These individuals have shown exemplary leadership already in the schools that they attend. I am excited to see what they can accomplish as they bring their time and talents to this role. In the words of President John F. Kennedy, ‘Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.’ I encourage our new youth commissioners to learn all that they can from this experience as they share a much-needed youth voice in the decision making here at Milwaukee County.”

At last night’s meeting the commission took an oath of office, were introduced to their adult advisors, and established two committees: the Committee on Governance, Finance, & Evaluation; and the Committee on Community Engagement & Racial Justice.

The commission and its two committees will each meet monthly.

Supervisor Vincent, Kyle Ashley, David Bowen, and Nichole Todd serve as adult advisors to the commission.

The Youth Commission is still seeking representatives from Districts 8 and 16. Youth are encouraged to apply at

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