THEINSVILLE, Wisconsin – Feb. 12, 2023 – A new ad launched by Thiensville Village President and State Senate candidate Van Mobley highlights the net loss of 10,000 Wisconsin families in 2022 as they fled to states with lower tax burdens as proof that Wisconsin should eliminate the state income tax.

“People are moving to no income tax states like Florida while leaving income tax states like Illinois. Let’s join the winners without income tax, and leave the losers in the dust,” Mobley says in the ad.

A recent article “10 States People Are Fleeing And 10 States People Are Moving To” listed Wisconsin as the 10 th worst state for net migration with 10,000 more families leaving the state than moving in last year. High tax rates were listed among the reasons for the net loss.

“Blue and red states have flourished after abolishing their state income tax, and voters keep telling me they love the idea,” said Mobley. “We need to permanently abolish the state income tax to ease the tax burden on working folks to let them keep the fruits of their labor.”

Wisconsin currently sits on a $7.1 billion surplus which Mobley, a professor of economics and history at Concordia University of Wisconsin, and others have cited as evidence that Wisconsinites are overtaxed in general. Wisconsin currently has the 9 th highest income tax rate in the nation.

Mobley has pledged that he will introduce an amendment to the Wisconsin State Constitution to permanently ban taxation on income at the state level among other tax relief efforts.

An economic analysis by the Center for Research on the Wisconsin Economy (CROWE) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that paired with a modest sales tax increase, abolishing the state income tax would lead to a $3.5 billion state tax cut leading to savings of $1,700 per household. The study also predicts doing so would lead to economic growth of $28 billion and 175,000 new jobs.

Mobley is in a 3-way Republican Primary on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

Click here to view Mobley’s new ad, “MOVING” on YouTube.

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