The Dem group Opportunity Wisconsin is out with a new ad accusing U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil, R-Janesville, of voting to allow gas and oil companies to continue price gouging.

The spot is part of a previously announced seven-figure media buy targeting Steil and U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden, R-Prairie du Chien. The new spot targeting Steil is running in the Milwaukee market, though the group didn’t provide specifics of how much it’s spending on it.

The ad features a couple identified as Michael and Jerre, of Delavan.

Michael says gas prices are a huge issue for them, while Jerre says, “We all know the oil companies are ripping us off.” Michael adds Steil voted to give oil companies a huge tax break.

“Bryan Steil had a chance to vote to save us money, and he didn’t,” Jerre says to close the spot. “He went with the oil companies. We’re the ones who are paying the price.”

See the ad here.

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