OSHKOSH (May 26, 2023) — Forty-three students graduated on May 25 th from the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Leadership Program. The ceremony was held at The Waters. During the program, participants served as adjunct members on 31 different boards and committees throughout the community as well as leading a community fundraiser raising $32,596.60 to benefit Winnebago Literacy Council and the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Foundation – Leadership Oshkosh Program.
The program was started in 1989 by the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, initiated by Ed Williams, to help people grow and develop into community leaders. This year marks the 34th program year. 1,191 people have graduated from the Leadership Oshkosh program.
Each year, Leadership Oshkosh recognizes two people during the graduation ceremony. Joe Ferlo, President & CEO, The Grand Oshkosh received the Leadership Service award for his guidance on the program’s Arts & Culture Day. Ferlo has been an ongoing champion for not only the Leadership Oshkosh program, but also the city of Oshkosh. The Ed Williams Leadership in Action award was given to Jessica Meidl, Downtown BID Manager. Since Jessie graduated from Leadership Oshkosh, she has been inspired to increase the beautification efforts and public art downtown. She has been instrumental in getting at least one large-scale mural installed every year since 2021 and two brand new murals are being installed right now. Additionally, she was part of a team that wrapped utility boxes, working with the city to change ordinances to allow business owners to put flowerpots and other things that increase curb appeal outside their storefronts.
About the Leadership Oshkosh Program
Leadership Oshkosh is a nine-month program that provides current and emerging leaders with information about the community’s opportunities and challenges. The program brings together a diverse group of individuals who, at the end of the program, are better equipped to make key decisions affecting their own organizations, the community and themselves.
For more information about the Leadership Oshkosh program visit https://www.oshkoshchamber.com/leadership-oshkosh/.
About the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce
For more than 100 years, the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce has served as the advocate and guardian of business and industry to support the thriving Oshkosh and northeast Wisconsin region. As a five-star accredited Chamber of Commerce, our non-profit represents over 900 members, from small businesses to international corporations.