The WCC is no longer fulfilling its own vision which is “to strengthen and enhance our ability to gather and convey the wisdom and influence of Wisconsin citizens in the formation of natural resource policy, research, education, and conservation.”
In fact, citizens are shut out from even making public comments at District Leadership Council meetings and the resolutions supported by thousands across the state are squashed by a District Leadership Committee of 22 people. It is largely controlled and dominated by an Executive Committee of only five people.
Many delegates and many citizens who are not delegates see that the actions of the Executive Committee are squashing all opinions and beliefs that do not align with their own. This is especially evident regarding management of wolves, bears, and fur harvest. They control the agenda, the meetings, the narrative, and what is ultimately passed on to the Department of Natural Resources, the Natural Resources Board, and the Legislature. They control how elections are conducted to ensure they maintain their grip on power and control. They represent their own personal interests rather than the expressed interests of the majority of the citizens. They violate the Wisconsin Conservation Congress Code of Procedures, Robert’s Rules of Order, and Wisconsin Open Meeting Laws.
We believe that funding should be withheld as long as the Wisconsin Conservation Congress is failing to fulfill the purpose for which it was established.
It is clear the Wisconsin Conservation Congress has become an authoritarian, anti-democratic, and dysfunctional organization. It is being ruled by a few people without any intent of representing the expressed interests of the majority of citizens or the best interests of our natural resources.
On behalf of “Our Wisconsin Revolution, Project Coyote, Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance, and thousands of like-minded citizens we are asking The Natural Resources Board and other state agencies to withhold funding to Wisconsin Conservation Congress.
OWR: Our Wisconsin Revolution is an independent, non partisan organization working to make both our economy and our government a true democracy—of, by and for the people. To learn more about OWR please visit our website at https://www.ourwisconsinrev.