Madison— State Representative Amy Binsfeld (R-Sheboygan) is excited to see that Governor Evers stayed true to his word and signed the Right to Read legislation.
“Today I am proud to see that we put our children first when it comes to reading.” Rep. Binsfeld said. “Too often egos and politics get in the way of doing what is right, but today that was set aside and we are taking the next big step to make sure our kids get the chance to read.”
“This bill was introduced and authored by Representative Joel Kitchens, who worked closely with Representatives Wittke, Nedwedski, and myself. There were months of negotiating that happened to get this bill across the finish line.”
This bill provides that option for schools with low reading scores to take the opportunity to get help for their school, teachers, and most of all their students. This bill is state funded for up to $50 million and makes sure that new systems will be in place for those public and choice schools that opt to take this opportunity. This bill is not mandatory for a school that is already successful in their program and showing great scores for their students.
“I am excited to see that after many years of concern with regard to reading, progress is being made.” Rep. Binsfeld said. “We need to make sure that we respect not only our students in the plans we make but also our teachers. It has become clear through this process that many were not provided the training to help their students be successful and I don’t believe any teacher wants to see a child struggle and not have a resource to help them. This bill provides that chance to sharpen the training for the teachers and let both teacher and student find reading success.”
“I am grateful to my fellow colleagues for all the work and hours that were spent on this process.” Rep. Binsfeld said. “If we look to keep an open mind we can find success in all areas that can better our state for the next generations.”