Madison – Representative Bob Donovan (R-Greenfield) gave the following statement after attending his first State of the State Address as a member of the Legislature. Rep. Donovan said:

“As a new member of the Legislature, I feel incredibly grateful to begin my term during a time in which Wisconsin is on solid ground. Wisconsin’s unprecedented budget surplus will give the Legislature a unique opportunity to deliver historic investments in key areas of our state. Governor Evers highlighted the many positive steps we have taken and I commend him and the Legislature for delivering on these investments – especially in the areas of infrastructure, mental health funding, and a historic tax cut.

However, I do believe that critically important issues were missing from the Governor’s address. Children are promised a quality education but I am afraid that our slipping standards may fail a generation of children. Milwaukee is at the center of this issue as only 1 in 10 students are proficient in math or reading. It is imperative we find solutions to correct this or irreparable damage could be done.

Milwaukee continues to break records for all the wrong reasons as we again have historic levels of homicides. Violent crime overall in Wisconsin is at an unprecedented 35 year high. Milwaukee County is dangerously approaching an impasse. We can continue to let violent crime terrorize our streets or we can provide the necessary support to law enforcement to ensure public safety.

These issues have the ability to be addressed because of our firm financial foundation. I hope the Legislature and the Governor can realize this and work toward a better future for Wisconsin.

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