Madison – Today, Representative Bob Donovan (R-Greenfield) gave a statement following an agreement between the Legislature, the Governor, and local Milwaukee officials. Rep. Donovan said:
“I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief finally. After back and forth, an agreement has been reached in regards to shared revenue. This is a win for municipalities across Wisconsin. Although sometimes the debate was contentious, I’m glad that we can deliver real change to Wisconsinites.”
“I’ve said it once and I will say it again. Extra shared revenue only matters if we reinvest in public safety in a meaningful way. Without public safety, we are failing our duties as elected leaders. For years, we have seen the erosion of public safety and it is time to right the ship with this new opportunity.”
“Thank you again to everyone who helped make this a reality and acted in good faith. Finally, I urge the local officials in Milwaukee to take this opportunity to write a new chapter for the city and the county. Leave behind the failed approaches of previous administrations. Be faithful stewards and use this opportunity to forge a new path that will benefit not only Milwaukee, but the state as a whole.”