MADISON – Representative Loren Oldenburg (R-Viroqua) released the following statement on the recent floor session in the State Senate:

“I am excited to see that legislation I’ve authored, Senate Bill 35 establishing an Emergency Contact system in the Department of Transportation, was voted out of the State Senate,” stated Rep. Oldenburg. “This proposal will go a long way in streamlining emergency situations on our roads for law enforcement and ensure that family members in these situations can be contacted promptly.”

“Senate Bill 222 also passed out the State Senate yesterday. The pre-disaster flood resilience grant program will be a monumental change for our flood prone communities. The program is structured to improve our understanding about flood vulnerabilities through assessment work and hydrologic restoration projects that can help reduce flood damages. This program will be a significant game changer in how our communities approach flood mitigation.”

Senate Bill 35 passed on a unanimous voice vote & Senate Bill 222 passed 33-0. Both Assembly counterparts have received public hearings and are awaiting committee action. “As the author of both these bills, I look forward to these proposals being voted on by the Assembly in the near future”

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