MADISON – Today, the Democratic members of the Joint Committee on Finance were joined by parents, employers, and child care advocates from across the state to save Child Care Counts. During the press conference, members and advocates called on Republican lawmakers to fully fund the Child Care Counts program at $340 million in the state budget.

Later today, the Joint Finance Committee, of which Rep. McGuire is a member, will take up the budget for the Department of Children and Families, including Governor Evers’ proposal to invest $340 million in Child Care Counts.

After the press conference Representative Tip McGuire issued the following statement:

“Throughout the budget process, we have been hearing from people all across the state on the need to fully fund Child Care Counts. Wisconsinites have been abundantly clear: without this funding, child care centers will close and parents will be forced to leave the workforce to take care of their children.”

“We do not have time for political games or half-measures. With a nearly $7 billion dollar surplus, there is absolutely no reason that we cannot fully fund Child Care Counts to stabilize the child care industry. Wisconsin’s working families and economy are depending on it.”

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