KENOSHA – This week, Rep. McGuire joined Rep. Tod Ohnstad and Sen. Bob Wirch in hosting a listening session at Kenosha’s Northside Library on Wednesday night. Community members asked questions and shared their thoughts regarding Governor Evers’ 2023-25 Biennial Budget Proposal.
“It was great to participate in our local budget listening session. I’m grateful for the thoughtful input shared by members of our community; it’s truly inspiring to see so many people engaged and passionate about the issues mattering most to them. I hope my Republican colleagues consider keeping key provisions in Governor Evers’ budget like mental health and education as these investments are critical in moving our state forward,” said Rep. Tod Ohnstad.
Community members touched on many issues areas, ranging from high housing costs, education, tax relief, and the proposed hate crime hotline.
Community member Karen Kempinen, a retired special education teacher, highlighted the importance of Governor Evers’ proposal to provide $120 million for the “Healthy Meals, Healthy Kids” initiative to provide universal school breakfast and lunch. Sharing a story where she described having to use her own money to help provide snacks and food for students who couldn’t afford lunch or breakfast. She added:
“Without having breakfast or lunch, students are not receiving the nourishment their brains need to focus and participate in their education. If we can provide this for students, we can help level the playing field and take this burden off their parent’s plate.”
Local elected officials also came to voice their support for the shared revenue proposals in the budget that would allow communities to properly fund local priorities like public safety.
“As a County Board Supervisor, I know how important shared revenue is to our county, city, and local municipalities to fund important programs like EMS, police, and fire. I am glad to see Governor Evers included an increase in shared revenue and hope it will be passed in the budget’s final version,” said Kenosha County Supervisor John Franco.
“As a member of the Joint Finance committee, I will be working on the budget directly over the next few months,” said Rep. Tip McGuire, “I am thankful for the opportunity to hear from neighbors and community leaders about what matters most to them.”
“I’m happy to see so much interest in our state government and the budget process. The more feedback we hear from community members, the better we can do our jobs and representatives of the people.” said Sen. Bob Wirch.