“Unions are the backbone of the middle-class and have helped millions of working people access family-supporting jobs with good benefits. Unions have used their collective voice to advocate for a better deal for all working families – like increases to the minimum wage, affordable health care, pension protections, and good public schools.
They also help close gender wage disparities and narrow racial wealth gaps. During the pandemic, workers across industries, from baristas to airline workers to employees at Google, have organized to form unions. Many of these workers faced aggressive intimidation yet they persevered, making this legislation even more critical, especially as Americans’ approval of unions continues to grow.
Workers should be able to organize without facing pressure tactics and blatant interference from their employers. This legislation would protect employees from employers currently armed with an entire industry of consultants aimed at undermining organizing activity.
The PRO Act will empower workers, help ensure fair union elections, and increase penalties for employers who infringe on workers’ rights. Being from Wisconsin and the city of Milwaukee, where blood was shed for the eight-hour workday, I am proud to support legislation that strengthens these rights for workers.
All people deserve access to safe jobs, fair wages, and the ability to provide for their families, which is why fortifying the collective voice and negotiation rights of our workers is so critical.”
Read more about the PRO Act here.