The Wisconsin State Assembly was in session today to debate the Republican amended version of Governor Evers’ 2023-2025 biennial budget. The proposal will now be headed to the Governor.
Representative Tod Ohnstad (D-Kenosha) shared the following statement:
“Republicans pushed through a budget which completely overlooked the key provisions Wisconsinites were calling for. Despite overwhelming support for middle-class tax cuts, affordable childcare, paid family leave, Medicaid expansion, mental health initiatives, and legalization of marijuana, Republicans gave a resounding no to all these issues and more.”
“Governor Evers invested time and effort traveling the state holding several budget listening sessions, expecting a budget reflecting the needs and concerns of Wisconsinites. Unfortunately, the budget passed today is totally disconnected from reality. With an unprecedented 7 billion dollar surplus, we certainly could have done better.”
“I’m committed to providing tax relief for our middle-class, funding DEI initiatives, ensuring access to affordable childcare, prioritizing mental health, and finding solutions to housing insecurity. My concern for these crucial issues is why I voted against this out of touch budget proposal. I hope Governor Evers is able to use his veto pen to line item this budget to a better result.”