Governor Evers gave his State of the State on the evening of January 24th, 2023. Throughout his speech there were various points that I disagreed with. Governor Evers seemed to give more of a budget address than a state of the state address. With this being said, I will happily talk about budget issues at any point an individual would like to reach out to my office.
I take objection to the Governor taking credit for record tax cuts that Republicans worked on. On top of this, Governor Evers wanted to increase taxes by $1 billion but thankfully that was vetoed by Republicans. I also am not impressed with the Governor taking credit for small business grants when his COVID-19 policies alone ended many small businesses throughout the hard-working state of Wisconsin.
There are over 100,000 jobs readily available on the Job Center of Wisconsin website. While this is an already alarming number, Republicans have worked tirelessly on passing legislation to increase and boost our workforce. Unfortunately, Governor Evers has vetoed all these strong pieces of legislation in favor of his own agenda but then has the nerve to tell the Wisconsin people that workforce development is a major criteria for his next four years. Wisconsin’s Labor Force Participation dropped to a staggering 64.7%. That is the lowest since 1976. This is not acceptable but this is our state under Tony Evers.
Finally, our law enforcement is under attack from radical leftists who don’t understand the courage, bravery, and determination it takes to care for a community who doesn’t respect you. Governor Evers vetoed legislation that would have helped put more officers on the street as crime rates continue to spike throughout our state. To be more specific; since Tony Evers took office, homicide rates are up 70% and violent crime is the highest it has ever been in the last 35 years.
Increasing residual spending simply because we have a surplus is not the answer at this time. We must invest neglected programs and infrastructure. I care about our communities and that is why I will support our law enforcement alongside my fellow colleagues. I will make sure that rural Wisconsin is not forgotten and that the agriculture that drives this state economy is recognized for its importance. I will work for my district and I will always put the values of Wisconsin first. The state of the state is in need of improvement and I am excited to work on it.