(MADISON) – The State Assembly has passed four bills, with bi-partisan support, aimed at addressing Wisconsin’s housing crisis and the threat it poses to our workforce and ability to attract and retain students, families and workers. Representative Ratcliff was a co-sponsor of:
– AB 264 which will establish a residential housing infrastructure revolving loan fund and revolving loan program.
– AB 265 to create a main street housing rehabilitation revolving loan fund and loan program.
– AB 267 to enhance housing rehabilitation loans awarded by WHEDA.
– AB 268 to establish a commercial-to-housing conversion revolving loan fund and loan program.
Following the passage of the legislation, Representative Ratcliff released the following statement:
“I am proud to cosponsor these bills and gratified that we were able to ensure broad bi-partisan support for them in the Assembly. Safe, affordable housing is more than a roof over someone’s head. Having a home is crucial for stability, healthy child development, and security for families and seniors. Homeownership has been proven to be a strong contributing factor to better health, good educational outcomes and a more stable future. The legislation we passed today is crucial to the growth and prosperity of our local communities and our State and will have wide-ranging, positive effects for years to come. The next step is to fully fund these important initiatives which will increase the supply of workforce and senior housing, which we so desperately need.”