Madison, WI  – Thursday, Representative Rozar issued the following statement regarding the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau’s analysis of the Governor’s 2023-2025 Budget Recommendations:

“I am appalled at the substantive increase in taxation and irresponsible growth in the size of our State’s government as proposed by Governor Evers. His recommendations will increase the burden on taxpayers by over $100 million at a time when many Wisconsinites are concerned about rising inflation and providing basic needs for their families.

Additionally, he proposes an increase in state bureaucracy by at least 815 new full-time positions. We should be focused on encouraging growth in the private sector workforce, not increasing the amount of bureaucrats in Madison. Governor Evers has proven himself to be an ineffective administrator of the Executive branch, and will end up wasting more taxpayer dollars on an inefficient and bloated bureaucracy.”

“I am grateful to join my Legislative Colleagues to put forth a responsible budget that benefits all Wisconsinites.

The full LFB summary can be found here.

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