(Madison, WI) Rep. Michael Schraa (R-Oshkosh) is thrilled with the action of the Joint Committee on Finance today to raise wages for state employees, and especially for security personnel at the Department of Corrections (DOC).
“I’ve been advocating for significant raises to increase recruitment and retention in these critical public safety careers. I hear horror stories from DOC employees, their families, and even family members of inmates. The incredibly low staffing rates are dangerous for everyone. Correctional Officers and Sergeants are working multiple double shifts, and still security is threatened by vacant posts. Inmate tensions rise due to inadequate services, making the situation more volatile.
“Today, the Joint Committee on Finance has passed a historic investment of $344 million to adequately compensate our Corrections security staff. The starting wage will increase to $33/hour with proportionate raises to current staff. The add-on for understaffed facilities will continue. The add-on for maximum security institutions will increase from $2 to $3 per hour, and there will be a new add-on for medium security institutions.
“While this is good news for Corrections Officers, I had also been working for raises for other classified employees at DOC, which was not included. However, they and other state employees will receive a 4% raise in the first year, and an additional 2% raise in the second year of the budget.”
The budget will be voted on in its entirety by the Assembly and Senate in the near future. Then the provisions must survive the governor’s line item veto.