Madison – Representative Shae Sortwell (R-Gibson) released the following statement today following legislative press conferences this morning regarding shared revenue:

“With Wisconsin having a notable surplus as we approach the 2023-2025 biennial budget, the Republican Legislature will be devoting twenty percent of state sales tax revenues to local governments, which is approximately $1.5 billion. $527 million will be new money dedicated to law enforcement, fire, EMS, public works, and transportation, while also encouraging cost savings and consolidation if local governments come together and provide services more efficiently.”

“Every local government will see at least a 10% minimum increase in their shared revenue. The new formula under this proposal will primarily target smaller municipalities and those who did poorly under the old formula. The personal property tax will be repealed, as well, saving Wisconsin businesses thousands of dollars.”

“We wanted to also prioritize public safety as crime continues to rise, our number of officers is at its lowest since 2008, and rural Wisconsinites have minimal access to EMS services. A safer Wisconsin is a better Wisconsin.”

Representative Sortwell is available for comment.

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