Madison – Representative John Spiros (R-Marshfield) released the following statement after two bills to ensure consumer choice, Assembly Bills 141 and 142, were vetoed:

“As a co-sponsor of these bills, I was incredibly disappointed to see that the Governor chose not to support consumer choice and the free market,” Rep. Spiros said. “He instead chose to remind Wisconsinites that he believes the government should dictate how they live their lives.”

Assembly Bills 141 and 142 would have prohibited state and local governments from banning the use or sale of a motor vehicle or other device based on its power source.

“Wisconsin is not California,” Rep. Spiros continued. “Many of the technologies being pushed by left-leaning states and the current federal administration have significant downfalls and do not fix the problems they purport to solve. Consumer choice is vital in the current environment, and these bills would have ensured consumers can continue to make their own choices in Wisconsin.”

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