MADISON – On Friday, Representative Lisa Subeck was elected to represent Wisconsin on the Executive Board of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus (GLLC). Representative Subeck has been an active member of the organization since 2015, serving on multiple task forces and working groups.

Organized by the Council of State Governments, the GLLC brings together state and provincial legislators from around the Great Lakes region. The organization provides a forum for officials to advance ideas, opportunities, and legislation promoting the restoration and sustainable use of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River and the economies built around them.

“The Great Lakes are our region’s most precious resource, and Wisconsin is fortunate to have access to two of them along our borders” said Rep. Subeck, “I look forward to working collaboratively with legislators who feel as passionately about our clean water as I do.”

Rep. Subeck has represented the 78th Assembly District since 2015 and serves as Chair of the Assembly Democratic Caucus.

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