MADISON –Rep. Tony Kurtz (R-Wonewoc) issued the following statement following the Assembly Republicans statewide press conferences announcing their local government funding plan:
“One of the things I have heard about the most as I’ve done listening sessions in my district, and our travels for the budget hearings this session, is the need for additional funding for local units of government,” said Kurtz. “Today, we laid out the framework for the largest increase in aid to local governments in a generation, including historical reforms and directing new funding to law enforcement, fire and EMS services.”
“Every community in the state is going to see a minimum increase of 10% in their aid, with many communities seeing even more significant increases. The current shared revenue formula was frozen in 2004 and directed the majority of the funding to larger municipalities. We target the new money towards smaller municipalities and target those who did poorly under the old formula” said Kurtz.
“Over the next couple of days we will continue to iron out the details with our colleagues and local government stakeholders. I’m looking forward to voting yes and seeing this package signed into law.”