MADISON–The Wisconsin State Assembly was in session today to vote on a package of bills to address licensure backlogs in Wisconsin. In response, Representative Robyn Vining (D-Wauwatosa) released the following statement:
“Wisconsinites are known for their hard work and perseverance, and today’s bills do not provide real solutions to address the licensure delays at the Department of Safety and Professional Services. We should be focused on properly funding DSPS and allocating resources so they have the staff necessary to handle their caseload. Governor Evers’ budget proposal provides the necessary resources to alleviate the burden on staff and better serve Wisconsinites for years to come.
“Tomorrow the Joint Committee on Finance is scheduled to address the DSPS budget. I call upon the members of Joint Finance to approve Governor Evers’ budget proposal and finally provide real solutions to the licensure backlog so that we can move forward, together!”
Rep. Vining represents the 14th Assembly District, which includes parts of Wauwatosa and West Allis. For more information, visit Rep. Vining’s website here.