Madison…Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) released the following statement on the passage of the budget in the Assembly.
“This is a budget made for Wisconsin. I am proud to join my Republican colleagues by voting in favor of generational investments to benefit Wisconsin’s children, businesses, and taxpayers. Legislative Republicans worked tirelessly to provide a budget that truly invests in our core priorities as a state in a targeted and efficient manner.
“Wisconsin’s taxpayers are going to feel significant tax relief with the $4.4 billion tax cut, which also includes the final repeal of the personal property tax. We were able to provide significant increases in state aid to local governments and devote more than $1.2 billion to K-12 public and choice schools in Wisconsin. Legislative Republicans also invested heavily in the long-term care industry by continuing the 5% home and community-based services rate increase; providing needed funds for direct care services and personal care workers; and raising reimbursement and incentives for our nursing homes.
“I want to applaud Co-Chair Born and the Republicans on the Joint Committee on Finance for crafting a budget that makes targeted and smart investments in the priorities of Wisconsinites. This budget is a far cry from the document that Governor Evers proposed in February, which included a massive increase in state spending and raised taxes on Wisconsin residents by over $2 billion. This Wisconsin-made budget deserves to become law.”