Madison – Senator Jesse James (R- Altoona) announces the passage of SB 76 into law:
“Today, we celebrate the signing of legislation that clarifies the crime of carjacking in our state. Until now, carjacking fell under the crime of vehicle theft. We know that carjacking differs from simple theft in that it involves threat or use of a dangerous weapon.”
According to the Wisconsin Department of Justice, in the two years from 2019 to 2021, Milwaukee Police Department saw a 20% increase in carjackings. In just a year, from 2020 to 2021, Madison saw a 60% increase.
“We know that this is not just a Milwaukee or Madison problem. We have seen carjackings on the rise in every corner of our state. This bill is a common-sense win for our public safety. We hope that Wisconsinites feel safer and confident that those engaging in this dangerous behavior will receive the appropriate penalties.”
Sen. James concluded by adding, “We thank Governor Evers for seeing the light and signing this. We hope that next time the signing will be scheduled on a day we are able to attend.”