Senator Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) issued the following statement in support of Speaker Robin Vos’ call for a $32 million cut in funding to the UW System in response to their wasteful spending on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) staff and programming:
“I support Speaker Vos’ efforts to end taxpayer funding of DEI indoctrination in the UW System. I have made it known to the Senate Republican members of the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) that they should not only support Vos’ proposal but look for ways to expand the level of cuts to wasteful spending in the UW System.
The UW System receives about $1 billion annually from taxpayers to fund its operations. The level of wasteful spending within the UW System has been repeatedly identified for many years and now the growing negative consequences to the state from radical indoctrination on our campuses can no longer be ignored.
Currently, the only authority that the legislature has over the UW System is the power of the purse string. The only action of the legislature that brings fear to the hearts of DEI socialists running our public university system is cutting their funding.
Change will only occur in the UW System when Republicans stop blindly funding them in the hopes they might like us someday.”